AI based Circular Operating Model for Your Business
It’s a more circular approach to the business strategy & operations framework using AI as a base. The new Agile that not only changes the way people work but also impacts the business strategy & technology sides.

Framework for Your Business
We believe only a circular organizational structure and culture will allow your organization to fully benefit from the AI transformation. How much? Up to 80% cost reduction. How? Check our offer below.
CIRC 1: Organizational Structure
Transformation of the organizational structure to the modern models (a.i. flat, hybrid, circular). Redefine the C-level roles as well as define AI agents.
CIRC 2: Business Model & Strategy
Formatting your business model and strategy to be transparent, actionable, and easy to validate for both human and (future) AI teams.
CIRC 3: Business Processes
Only clear, actionable processes that are alive and programmed for continuous improvement will survive in the organization of the future. Let’s design some!
CIRC 4: Products
We believe the future are products serving both humans and AIs, as well as frictionlessly connect the digital & physical World. Would you like to redesign your products using AI & Agile Hardware? Here we are!
CIRC 5: Education
Changing the mindset and approach to work is the hardest part of the circular and AI transformation. We believe in facilitated education as a way to engage the team. We provide training & mentoring, as well as courses.
We constantly, carefully listen to your needs and can prepare the offer dedicated to your business. Just let us know what do you need!
CIRC Operating Model
It’s more than a new approach to the business model—it changes the way your organization is strategically formed and its daily operations.
Sounds like a total change? We know how to guide you through it smoothly! Take a look at examples coming from our framework.
Value Circle Pricing
- Transform the value stream from linear to circular
- Include the environmental context
- Reflect the value, but take into account costs and revenue estimations

Circular Balanced Scorecard
- Strategic Results Map
- Include KPIs & OKRs
- In line with ESG goals
- Visualize the metrics for a value circle
- Connected with Strategic Roadmap
Circular Unique Value Proposition
- Change perspectives on marketing & sales funnels, as well as on distribution channels
- Include the target group as a part of the Value Proposition
- Increase the role of the customer experience and relationhip with the brand

Just AI IT!
We should definitely talk if you are medium or big company interested in AI & Circular Transformation
AI + Circularity = ❤️
We believe that only the total change of the business paradigm will allow the AI transformation.
Ready to do that with Circ OM?
AI shouldn’t come on spots only
It should be defined as roles replacement.
Linear approach to processes?
How does it suppose to work with AI agents?
AI agents doesn’t work well in hierarchy
Full AI implementation requires transparent and open organizational culture.
Circular it’s not only about sustainability
You know that, right?
Circular processes are far more efficient
As humans we think linearly, while AI is designed in its core to iterate for continuous improvement.
Learning cycle never ends for AI agents
In opposite as humans we treat education as a learning curve.
Even Our Blog Is Circular ○
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