Our basic product development service is a subscription. We believe in compound interest and long-term partnerships. Products need to be constantly developed, not defined once, and then deployed.
However, we also offer accelerated strategic processes for organizations that prefer this approach or wish to validate their internal strategy with external experts.
Let’s talk, about how we can work together.

Our pricing is built based on our experience working with startups, scaleups, and corporate clients. We offer three packages that reflect the standard needs for product development, with a focus on delivering results not attached to the time of work.
Do you need the offer adjusted to your specific needs? Just let us know.
You usually don’t need a regular product developer who will just burn hours. You need a senior product manager who knows exactly what to do, how to design the product, and how to build a solid business and marketing strategy to help you to speed up your business.
- 6h: initial the research and analysis
- 4h: kick-off workshop
- up to 4h/month: product development workshop
(a.i. product visioning, functionality mapping) - up to 2h/week: team meetings / facilitated workshops
- up to 4h/week: additional product development work (research, analysis, meetings, etc.)
- 20h: initial the research and analysis
- 16h: kick-off workshop
- up to 4h/month: product development workshop (a.i. product visioning, functionality mapping)
- up to 4h/week: team meetings / facilitated workshops
- up to 4h/week: additional product development work (research, analysis, meetings, etc.)
Scale Up
- 10h: initial the research and analysis
- 4h: kick-off workshop
- up to 4h/month: product development workshop (a.i. product visioning, functionality mapping)
- up to 2h/week: team meetings / facilitated workshops
- up to 2h/week: additional product development work (research, analysis, meetings, etc.)

MVP of the Product & Business Strategy
Do you believe you need a strategy? For early-stage startups, we propose a shorter process, taking 3-4 weeks of focused strategy work. This is enough to validate your basic hypotheses and define crucial elements of your product vision.
Product & Business Strategy
If you need a fully defined product strategy – it’s for you. For scale-ups and mature businesses, we propose a longer process to get to know your team and business domain thoroughly. This allows us to develop truly useful solutions that lay the foundation for a long-term partnership. Typically, this process takes between 2 and 3 months of collaboration.
- Review and analysis of materials provided by the client before project kick-off
- 4-hour kick-off workshop Team Canvas, Goals (online or onsite)
- 4-hour Product Strategy Workshop
- IDIs – Customers (8-12 IDIs)
- IDIs – Lost Customers (8-12 IDIs)
- IDIs – Team Members (4-6 IDIs)
- Quantitative research (a.i. Digital Survey)
- Business Goals and KPI Definition
- Competitive Analysis
(up to 5 competitors) - Benchmark Analysis
(up to 5 benchmarks) - Target Audience Analysis
- Unique Value Proposition Analysis
- Customer Journey & Relationships Analysis
- Sales Process Analysis
- Marketing Channels & Funnel Analysis
- Resources & Capacity Analysis
- Partnerships Potential Analysis
- Brand Positioning Analysis
- SWOT analysis
- 2 x 4-hour Research workshops with customers
- 4 x 2-hour or 4-hour Research workshops with team
- Validation of the persona (test)
- Validation of the UVP (test)
- 8-hour Strategic workshop
- Ad hoc short facilitated meetings and workshops
- 8-hour Strategy Workshop: Fundamentals of Business Model (onsite)
- 8-hour Strategy Workshop: Partnerships (onsite)
- 8-hour Strategy Workshop: Roadmap and Action Plan (onsite)
- Roadmap development
- Development of KPIs and OKRs
in a defined format - Development of key elements
of the marketing strategy - Balanced Scorecard development
- Product Vision
- Product functionalities map, based
on the customer value stream or circle - Unique Value Proposition, Differentiators, Key Selling Points
- Target Groups & Personas
- Customer relationships defined
- Market Positioning
- Brand Positioning
- Partnerships Strategy
- Marketing Messaging & Activities with Examples
- Marketing and Sales Channels -> Marketing and Sales Funnels defined
- Content Samples (e.g., Website Content Examples, Personal Branding Post Examples, etc.)
- Redesigned Customer Journey & Sales Process
- Product Roadmap & Budget
- Balanced Scorecard (KPIs, OKRs)
A detailed roadmap of particular activities is developed together with the client before the process.
What do I need to prepare before the process?
We will share with you the lists of questions and materials to deliver before the start of the process. It’s on you to deliver us as much information as possible so we can provide you with best possible results.
Can we schedule meetings & workshops in advance?
We can establish the schedule of meetings and workshops together in advance, so you can plan it with your team.
Can we work based on our toolbox?
We can use any tool for communication (a.i. Slack, Teams) and product development (a.i. Notion, Linear, ClickUp) but the payment for the accounts is on you.
Can we organize the on site workshops and work?
Yes, but coverage all of the costs connected with the on site workshops & cooperation participation (a.i. hotel, flights, taxi, etc.) is on you.
Do you work based on the time & material rules?
We work based on the results not based on the time settlement. We use the power of AI technology to enhance your & our business potential.
Can you join my team?
We work as one team in your best interest. But we work based on the B2B agreement so we’re not your employee. We design the roadmap & timeline together, you as a company are responsible for your tasks and we’re accountable for ours.
However our team members can be a part of your team for the investors / pitch decks needs, as well as we can add the role on LinkedIn etc. It requires long-term contract for the cooperation and it is additionally paid.
How do you deal with payments?
Payment for the subscriptions is upfront.
Payment for the sprints based settlement is usually based on 50 before – 50 after rule.